Start Date

28 May at 12:00 am

End Date

28 May at 12:00 am



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The webinar is part of the Harnessing Climate & SDGs Synergies to Recover Better and Stronger from the Covid-19 Pandemic global virtual consultation process, taking place instead of the Climate and SDGs Synergies Conference 2020 organized by UN DESA.

The first session of the three-part webinar series will take place on 28th May (tbc) at 9:00 – 11:30 am (NY time) and it aims to discuss the challenges of forward-planning in a time of intersecting crises. Practitioners and thought leaders will offer their reflections on the role of climate & SDG synergies in pandemic recovery. A panel of experts & practitioners will speak to the practical measures and examples that stakeholders can draw on to better account for trade-offs and harness synergies in their recovery plans and strategies.

  • What does the Covid-19 pandemic mean for countries’ National Determined Contributions?
  • What links Covid-19 responses, thus far, to climate & sustainable development objectives?
  • How can stakeholders avoid entrenching trade-offs in their recovery strategies?
  • What examples illustrate the potential of climate & SDG synergies in recovery contexts?
  • How can synergies be monitored for transparency & accountability?

Please register in this link. You can share your insights & initiatives in the UN DESA online synergies-in-practice questionnaire.

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