As the negotiations for the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework move ahead, the Advisory Committee on Subnational Governments and Biodiversity (AC SNG) to the CBD continues to mobilise the voice of subnational leaders on the road to COP15 to ensure that the new Framework is not only ambitious, but attainable and inclusive of all levels of government.

Coordinated by Regions4 and the Government of Québec, the AC SNG welcomes the Government of Jalisco as the newest voice for the advocacy of the subnational constituency for nature.

Elected Regions4’s Vice President for the Americas in 2020, the Government of Jalisco has an extensive track record in ecosystems and biodiversity conservation, implementing important policy tools such as the State Strategy on Biodiversity of Jalisco which includes leading initiatives like Tequila free from deforestation.

Regions4’s Secretary General, Iñaki Susaeta, welcomed the newest member of the AC SNG and highlighted that “Jalisco has led inspiring initiatives and processes at territorial level. Their trajectory and commitment will certainly strengthen the Advisory Committee’s collective voice in the international dialogues for biodiversity with the Parties and the Convention on Biological Diversity.”

About the AC SNG

The Advisory Committee on Subnational Governments and Biodiversity is a permanent structure officially recognised by the CBD through Decision X/22 of COP 10, that aims at bringing the voice of regions to the biodiversity agenda. Regions4, together with the Government of Québec, coordinates the AC SNG and its activities.

Among its latest milestones, the AC SNG and Regions4 are proud partners of the Edinburgh Process and its resulting Declaration which represents the high-level political objectives of subnational and local governments in relation to the post-2020 GBF and highlights subnational views on the framework, and its implementation. As of today, the Edinburgh Declaration has already passed the 100 signatories’ mark and continues to gather support on the road to COP15.

Members of the AC SNG include representatives of Aichi, Andra Pradesh, Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, Basque Country, Campeche, Catalonia, Fatick, Gangwon, Goias, Gossas, Lombardy, North Rhine Westphalia, Ontario, Palawan, Paraná, Québec, São Paulo, Sichuan, Wales and Walga. 

Partners of the AC SNG include the European Committee of the Regions, the Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies and the Consortium of Provincial Governments of Ecuador.