Regions4 is proud to announce that the Welsh Government will host the kick-off session of the European Community of Practice Regions4SDGs to be held in-person and online in the framework of the event The Future is Now: The SDGs and Future Generations in Europe. The session will take place on 4 March at 14:00-15:30 CET.

The Community of Practice is a collective and participatory project to support SDGs localisation in regional governments. Based on peer-review, it will act as a platform for the exchange of experiences, mutual support, capacity building, and alignment of statements both at technical and political levels. It aims to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and strengthen territorial approaches, scaling-up regional pathways from isolated good practices to collective modalities of implementation, ultimately influencing more ambitious results in the national, European, and international frameworks.

The first session will explore innovative governance and legislation modalities implemented in Wales. The meeting aims to serve as food for thought to the SDGs implementation in regional governments’ territories.

Join us with ideas, questions, challenges and different approaches to be shared in a safe space with government officials. Your perspective will collaborate with the set of recommendations participants will produce as a concrete outcome to be presented in future political events.

At the end of the meeting, we will discuss the next session of the community of practice with an initial proposal from Wales for this to focus on assessing the carbon impact of policy options and government budgets.

Registration is available at Please see the full Concept Note for further instructions on how to join and access the full programme.