Regions4 partner CDP has recently launched the new Africa Report: Benchmarking Progress Towards Climate Safe Cities, States and Regions. The report provides a summary of the data provided by 48 regions and cities in Africa in 2019 and aims to provide a snapshot of climate action at the subnational level in the continent.

Although greenhouse gas emissions across the continent represent a relatively small share of the global total, African cities are positioning themselves to invest in low-carbon sustainable development, while working to address the current and future impacts of climate hazards.

Key highlights from the report include:

  • 62% of African cities reporting their environmental data have vulnerability assessments
  • 77% of African cities reporting currently have sustainability targets included in city master planning, with an additional 13% reporting targets in progress.

African regions that disclosed information used for this report include members of the RegionsAdapt initiative, who report the progress of their adaptation actions on an annual basis through CDP’s States and Regions platform.

Read the full Africa Report here.

Learn more about the RegionsAdapt initiative here.