The Action Agenda aims to turn pledges into measurable actions that support and complement the efforts of Governments in implementing the Aichi Biodivesity Targets, the Sustainable Development Goals and the upcoming Global Biodiversity Framework and to meet at least one of the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD):

  • Build on efforts from non-state actors and other stakeholders in support of the post-2020 biodiversity framework
  • Aim to reverse biodiversity loss and restore nature at global, regional and local levels
  • Raise awareness of the urgency and ambition for actions to shift the course to positive biodiversity gains
  • Intend to rebuild our human-nature relationship
  • Inspire further actions in the lead up to the UNGA 2020 Biodiversity Summit, the Subsidiary Bodies of the Convention and the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP 15, COP-MOP 10 and COP-MOP 4)

Regions4 members recently launched the Declaration “Subnational governments actions to combat global emergencies and build a sustainable post-pandemic world”, calling for a sustainable, resilient and fair recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, which includes an accelerated response to the climate and biodiversity crises worldwide.

The member’s commitment stated during the 2020 General Assembly is closely linked to the importance of reversing biodiversity loss and promoting its recovery from here to 2030 which is why, Regions4 Secretariat joined the global movement of the Sharm El-Sheikh to Kunming Action Agenda for Nature and People to also contribute to accelerate progress on the biodiversity goals and to meet the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

The pledge included in the Action Agenda is focused on strengthening the voice of subnational governments at the heart of the CBD to build a sustainable post-pandemic world, specifically, Regions4 members are committing to:

Continue to represent subnational governments at the heart of CBD to ensure our perspectives are considered in the post-2020 global framework and beyond; and to, strengthen the exchange of good practices to achieve global biodiversity targets in our territories, through cooperation, partnerships, and knowledge creation.

To reach the goal, Regions4 will continue to enable the strongest connections amongst its members and translating them into impactful action by reinforcing the work of the Advisory Committee on Subnational Governments and its operational partner, the Regions4 Biodiversity Learning Platform (R4BLP), Regions4 landmark platform for cross-jurisdictional exchange and technical capacity building, that generates knowledge that feeds the dialogues on biodiversity.

Currently, there are over 133 profiled in the Sharm El-Sheikh to Kunming Action Agenda for Nature and People’s website and the invitation to commit to accelerate biodiversity goals remains open to people, institutions, sectors, and governments at all levels so please consider joining Regions4 and other leading organizations in raising awareness to stop biodiversity loss.

We encourage all Regions4 members and other stakeholders to make a pledge join a global movement of people, across institutions and sectors, committed to accelerate progress on the globally agreed biodiversity goals.

To learn more about Regions4 pledge to the Sharm El-Sheikh to Kunming Action Agenda for Nature and People visit the following link.